About Us

Who is the Bitcoin Hunter and why did he open this online shop?

Bitcoin lovers, crypto enthusiasts, Bitcoin maximalists, and whatever else we are called. I definitely prefer the term Bitcoin Hunter. Why? Because that describes me exactly, I am constantly on the hunt for Bitcoin, I hunt for every bit of information on this topic.

Why did I open this online store? If you understand Bitcoin as I do, then you know that mass adoption is the most important thing for Bitcoin. Only when Bitcoin is accepted as money by the general public can it fulfill its purpose and become a free and democratic money.

How, for example, did something as unhealthy as Coca Cola become established? By being omnipresent on TV, in advertising spaces and on clothes. But Bitcoin does not have an advertising machine that can spend millions on advertising campaigns. And that is exactly what is so brilliant about Bitcoin! It does not need an advertising machine because Bitcoin does not belong to a central authority, but is the type of money that we really need: a decentralized monetary system.

Nevertheless, adoption must continue to progress, hence my online shop! The more people openly embrace Bitcoin and Bitcoin becomes truly omnipresent, only then can it be accepted by the general population and seen for what it is: free money and thus the key to our freedom!

Bitcoin is my hobby and my passion, if you want to know more about Bitcoin, visit this website: https://bitcoinhunter.ch